Registered Designs

A registered design protects the pattern and/or shape and/or configuration and/or ornamentation of a design, as applied to any article.

The South African Designs Act only requires a registered design to be new and either original or not commonplace in the art in question.

To have a registered design which covers and protects the shape and configuration of the preferred embodiment of your invention functions as added insurance and is recommended.

Benefits Of Registering Your Design:

  • helps to protect the visual appearance of any article of yours that may have commercial potential
  • gives you a 10 to 15-year term of protection
  • gives you the exclusive right to make, use or stock any article incorporating your design
  • makes taking legal action against infringement and copying more straightforward
  • provides you with a bargaining tool that can be licensed or sold.
  • creates a significant selling point
  • generates income, e.g. through licensing or selling
  • be used to raise capital, e.g. as security for a loan
  • form an essential part of your business Intellectual Property




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